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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where indeed

Sometimes, you just need a laugh. On Saturday, I sure got one.

The sun was beating down on the pavement, but above it all, a cool burst of air was hitting my flush cheeks as I drove through my neighborhood, stereo thumping. With one routine stop at Eugene Way on Andrews Drive, I saw it.

"?Where's Kevin Pistol?"

Staring at the black letters on white paper that was taped to the signpost, I furled my brow and spent a little too long at the intersection, prompting a quick honk from the vehicle behind me. It reminded me of some "random thought" signs a friend has spied in the NY/NJ area. I turned another corner and saw it again, this time on a bus bench and framed by a little black border.

"?Where's Kevin Pistol?"

Where, indeed?

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