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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Self sufficient

My little guy made me so proud last night. Around this time yesterday, I was winding down from work, speed-watching Dancing With The Stars, knocking back a beer and relaxing.

Then I heard a couple of grunts over the monitor. I was wishing, "Please, please, don't wake up!" I knew if he did, I'd have to go in there to soothe him, and it'd be a little harder than if Dad would have since B. knows the milk is right there. With C. having to start work at 6:30, I just held my breath and listened.

I heard him scoot around in his crib, apparently over to his rain forest night light, which he turned on for some music and lights. More moving and grunting while the music traveled over the monitor, but I imagine he was relocating his lovey bear, pacifier and blanket. Then he laid down and put himself back to sleep.

What a champ.

P.S. Tonight when I peeked in, he had one foot propped through the crib slats and was curled up in the corner, just beneath his night light. That thing is awesome.


The Zak Family said...

He's great! :) I finished up my "tagged" post! :)

Kendall and Katy said...

That is great! It is such a great thing when they put themselves to sleep.