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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fingers crossed

After staying late at work for the second extra-innings Rockies game in eight days, I'm beat.

I just got home and promptly set the coffee maker to greet me with a hot cuppa in the morning. I just hope I can enjoy it after 8 a.m.

P.S. I did get spoiled with a nap today (err, Friday). I had showered and was about 90 percent ready for work when the boys left to pick up Nanny Hans from the hospital, where he had scheduled wrist surgery. I ran up to the bathroom to fetch something and decided to lie on the bed for 15 minutes. When that 15 minutes passed, I awoke in a daze, wondering where the baby was, why wasn't the monitor on, why was I in my clothes. I drifted off, and the sound of the door closing stirred me again. It was 82 minutes after I first closed my eyes. Thinking back, it was the first time I'd had some alone time in the house -- without anyone else here -- since Mr. Cheeks was born. Wow.

Edit: After a 5 a.m. feed, B. and I got up at 9:30, he ate and I'm now headed downstairs to pour that first cuppa joe. It's almost 10 a.m.! A triumph!

1 comment:

Teesa69 said...

Hmm, must've been something in the air...I went to fetch something too...laid down for a few minutes and BAM was asleep for nearly 2 hours! Only difference is that I had a houseful of kids...Thankfully DH was taking care of them all...